


Pruritic eruptions in older adults: characterization of a patch test negative cohort.

Sreekantaswamy, S, Tully, J, Botto, N, Woodruff, C, Butler, D. Itch 8(1):p e67, January-March 2023.

Chapter 24: Allergic Contact Dermatitis.

Turrentine, JE, Woodruff, CM and Cruz, PD. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology. 10th


Patient-Centered Communication Tools for the Patch Test Clinic

Montejano RD, Chattopadhyay A, Woodruff CM, Botto N. Dermatitis. 2023 Sep-Oct;34(5):392-398.

Incidence Rate of Hand Eczema in Different Occupations: Commentary. Practice Update.

Woodruff, CM. Dermatology. April 13, 2022.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Grevillea Masquerading as Toxicodendron Dermatitis.

Tully J, Woodruff CM. JAAD Case Reports 2022. Apr 4;23:168-170.

Racial disparities in access to patch testing – a cross-sectional study.

Woodruff CM, Gurbani K, Botto N. BJD. 2022 Nov;187(5):784-785

Allergens and Marketing Claims in Commercial Hand Sanitizers: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Guo L, Bai H, Botto N, Woodruff CM. JAAD; 2021 Nov 24;S0190-9622.

The role of patch testing in evaluating delayed hypersensitivity reactions to medications. Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology.

Woodruff CM, Botto N. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2022; 62(3):548-561.

Update on Contact Sensitization in the Older Adult Population.

Woodruff CM, Kollhoff, A, Butler DC, Botto N. Dermatitis, August 2021.

Life after patch testing: Allergic contact dermatitis caused by propylene glycol in Vivelle transdermal estradiol patch.

Gurbani, K, Woodruff CM, Botto N. JAAD Case Rep. 2021 Mar; 9:34-35.

More than skin deep: Severe iron deficiency anemia and eosinophilia associated with pediculosis capitis and corporis infestation.

Woodruff CM, Chang AY. JAAD Case Rep. 2019 May; 5(5): 444–447.

Vulvar basal cell carcinoma in a patient with longstanding lichen sclerosus.

Comstock J, Woodruff CM, Yu, S., Kornik R. JAAD Case Rep. 2018 Dec 9;5(1):69-71

Allergic contact dermatitis of the vulva.

Woodruff CM, Trivedi MK, Kornik R, Botto N. Dermatitis. 2018; 29(5): 233-243.

Patch testing in vulvar allergic contact dermatitis.

Trivedi MK, Woodruff CM, Kornik R, Botto N. Dermatitis. 2018; Mar/Apr; 29(2):95-96.

Progressive papular eruption on the face and groin.

Woodruff CM, Schulman J, Amerson E. Cutis 2017 Feb;99(2):E4-E6.

Accuracy of Clinical Suspicion and Pathologic Diagnosis of Kaposi Sarcoma in East Africa.

Amerson E, Woodruff CM, Forrestel A, Wenger M, McCalmont T, LeBoit P, Maurer T, Laker Oketta M, Bwana M, Buziba N, Wabinga H, Martin J. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 Mar 1;71(3):295-301.

Neuromyelitis optica with cutaneous findings: case report and review of the literature.

Martin C, Maurer T, Mutizwa M. Dermatology. 2015;230(4):289-92.

Oxytocin and Social Motivation.

Gordon I1 , Martin C1 , Feldman R, Leckman J. Neuroscience. 2011; Oct; 1(4): 471-493.

A Nationwide Survey of Patient Centered Medical Home Demonstration Projects.

Bitton A, Martin C, and Landon B. JGIM. 2010. 25(6): 584-592.

Spillovers in Health Care Markets: Implications for Current Law Projections.

Chernew M, Baicker K and Martin C. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Projections Methodology and Research Studies. April 16, 2010.

The Exquisite Corpse: Violence, Eroticism and Gender Identity in Friday Kahlo’s “A Few Small Nips”

Martin, C. Harvard Exposé Journal of Literature. 2005